
vBulletin 3.8.4 PL1 Inc.Keygen & vBSEO 3.3.1 DGT

1 Inc.Keygen & vBSEO 3.3.1 DGT

vBulletin 3.8.4 PL1 - Keygen DGT

If you do not wish to download the entire Patch Level package, you may also download just the patch files from the member's area.

Please note that each patch zip file contains just three files that need to be uploaded:


The 3.6.12 Patch contains files for Patch Level 1 as well.

Please note that if you have uploaded the two files correctly, the Admin CP will show that you are running one of the following versions:

Admin Control Panel (vBulletin 3.8.4 Patch Level 1)
Admin Control Panel (vBulletin 3.7.6 Patch Level 1)
Admin Control Panel (vBulletin 3.6.12 Patch Level 2)

However the 'Patch Level' will not show in the footer on the boards.

vBSEO 3.3.1 DGT

Bug Fixes:
* FIX: Invalid argument in functions_vbseo.php on some server instances
* FIX: Virtual HTML breaks W3 validation
* FIX: vBSEO Acronym expansion for Guests
* FIX: Acronyms - Ajax edit
* FIX: Missing 301 redirect for member profiles applied
* FIX: Social Groups - Discussion title caused invalid group
* FIX: Blog feed urls were enabled even when blog rewrites are turned off
* FIX: When blog url titles and thread url titles were similar, retrieving thread titles caused a problem

New Features and Updates :

* NEW FEATURE: Google Adsense Analytics integration (automatically adds the tracking code beyond the default 1st Analytics account for tracking Adsense earnings in Analytics)
* UPDATE: Linkback moderation improved. Pagination implemented
* NEW FEATURE: IIS 7 Rewrite Module support included
* NEW FEATURE: vBulletin social bookmark url support included

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